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An insight on how we made it!

Success Stories 

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How it all started

It all started just before I graduated from university. Like any other young adult, I was under constant pressure to find a job. I consider myself fortunate to have landed a job as an analyst for lithium mining. At first, I was content with the $97,000 annual salary, and I saw great potential in the industry as environmental sustainability was a growing concern. My day-to-day responsibilities involved finding new ways to extract lithium with minimal environmental harm. Running test trials and comparing data made for an interesting and challenging job. Fortunately, I had an amazing team that provided me with support and a positive work environment.


As I started to think about my future and purchase a home, I realized that my salary wasn't enough to make my dream a reality. I started analyzing my spending habits and what I used every day. I wanted to start a business that wasn't saturated, had a high-profit margin, and was scalable for the long term. I initially considered drop shipping, but I found it difficult to discover a product that wasn't already on the market. That's when I stumbled upon Flippa, a platform for buying and selling apps, websites, and businesses. It fulfilled all my requirements, and I believed I could be successful by acquiring products and flipping them. The number one rule for any successful business is to believe in the idea and the end goal, put in the effort and hard work, and treat every failure as a learning curve.



I shared my vision with my best friend, who is now our co-founder, and he provided valuable insight on how to get started. After learning about how we could earn income from apps, websites, and businesses, we discovered that the main way of generating profit was from ads. Our first success story involved buying a VPN app for $500 and selling it for $5,000 within a month. We were confident in the app's quality, and after redesigning its SEO, it went from having only 200+ downloads per month to 4,000+ downloads per month.


Our second success story was, a website we bought for $4,800 that was only earning $680 per month. We increased its organic traffic and SEO and were able to generate $3,800 in passive income every month. Its current estimated value is $110,200.


Our third success story was buying, a website that reviews video games. We purchased it for $8000 and increased its value to over $35,000 within a week through a series of SEO, organic traffic, engagements, and advertisement implications. We immediately reinvested the $35,000 - $8000 = $27,000 profit into other digital assets and continued to grow our income. The website has continued to grow in our client’s hands due to our implementations and has a current estimated value on Flippa is $50,020 - $60,020.


Through hard work, research, and collaboration, we were able to turn our passion for entrepreneurship into a successful business. For like-minded people that want to recreate our success, give us a message and we will provide assistance and expertise towards your vision. 

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